SD Korea Co., Ltd. Is start a business committed to a healthy and safe national food culture. Acquired HACCP
certification and US FDA approval in the to develop and produce red ginseng fruit drink and fruit jelly juice,
We supply to 700 food stores and supermarkets nation wide. Based on a solid sales structure that opened
an online shopping mall and operated both online and offline ,It is growing remarkably. We continuously
research and develop various eco-friendly products. We will lead the globalization of Korean food
代理进口儿童咖啡馆内的游乐设施 签订中国玩具(积木)的韩国独家经销合同 代理进口中国胶囊玩具等玩具
- Rides importing agency for kids café
- Chinese wan ger (block) Korea exclusive sales contract
- Chinese capsule toy import agency
- Trademark of Dream Kids Patented
- Korea and China Kids Cafe franchise business
- Korea and China franchise management system construction
韩国儿童市场流通事业 海外流通开拓事业 流通咨询事业 特殊目的流通事业
- Distribution business of domestic children goods
- Opening overseas distribution business
- Distribution business consulting
- Development of special purpose distribution business
- Contract for delivery of Korean
confectionery beverages in 80 store in Wu
an sung Kids Cafe in China
- Contract for delivery of Korean
confectionery beverages in 80 store in Wu
an sung Kids Cafe in China
计划按照卡通形象设计棉花糖、糕点、冰激凌等产品 计划在玩具( 积木 )中安装维生素的细分设施设备
- Design development of confectionery cotton candy ice cream using character
- Product development combining toys and vitamins